Update October 31, 2015:
Out of 29 Book's written by Deborah Dolen,
The Beekeeper's Digest and
Handwriting Analysis in Psychology are her top
two sellers. Here we focus on Deborah Dolen's most recent book
Handwriting Analysis in Psychology. Dolen's books are available on Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook.
Deborah Dolen explains that
Handwriting Analysis in Psychology is a very good book to understand the
very basics of the science without being overwhelmed. Who you initially learn
from is important because you want to learn the correct interpretations from the
start. It is often very difficult to go back later and change position. A good
handwriting analyst draws their interpretations from all top authorities, such
as famous forensic handwriting analyst, Michelle Dresbold, FBI experienced and
other skilled authorities like Michelle. A good analyst teacher will even know
and present what few areas exist of disagreement in the meaning of something –
to allow the student to come to their own conclusion.
A good handwriting expert is a team player and does not throw interpretations
out there with no explanation as to from where they came. So anyone claiming
they have “the only book you will ever need” is very concerning. Deborah Dolen
asserts the interpretations of handwriting is like Carl Jung’s “Collective
Conscious” and no man is an island it the science of Handwriting Analysis. It
was also Carl Jung who also felt handwriting was very telling in his
psychological profiling.
Like fingerprints, or the very retina's of our eyes--handwriting is unique to a
person and no two handwriting samples are alike. You can tell a lot about a
person and perhaps your own self, by an educated examination of a good
handwriting sample. Deborah's book was written from a forensic and
scientific perspective, having nothing to do with palm reading and the like.
Deborah Dolen is author of 29 Diy type books, and finds Handwriting Analysis to
be endlessly fascinating and a skill that has helped her in hiring decisions
(handwriting naturally taken in context with many other factors) and even
dating. Deborah Dolen studied handwriting analysis in forensics at USF
[University of South Florida] before graduating from Eckerd College, in FL with
a degree in psychology. Her main goal, before she ended up a prolific author,
was to be a therapist and an effective one. Originally she simply desired to see
if a patient was being honest with her, or themselves in a therapy setting. This
is because some patients can “bull” for years and not really even want help—just
attention of a therapist. In some cases, even the therapist for a long period of
sessions does not understand they are wasting their time, or the real motives of
the patient.
Her main regret was not reading the love notes and handwriting of a former lover
- whom after she cancelled a wedding with him in 2008...her ex pursued her
relentlessly over the internet pretending to be women and, funny enough,
"victims" of her and that the author was in fact, a cyberstalker. The ex
lovers goal was to cause the author financial loss of her on-line book sales as
well as make sure "If she rejected him (as she did) that he would ensure people
publicly rejected her" which was actually effective the first few years.
Her ex-lover who is French Canadian, was so controlling he could not be happy if
he was not in control after she left him. The cyber stalking was his way
of still maintaining some level of control over Deborah--and to this day, after
8 years, he is still bothering her on line under a slew of false names. So
not reading his handwriting is definitely her biggest regret. Looking
back, all of his handwritten love notes displayed the ruthless and insecure man
he really was.
In her studies toward handwriting analysis the author was able to study
primarily serial killers such a Bundy and a few others-learning they all had
common traits of angular grandiose writing, as well as pasty and vicious
strokes. Otherwise the personalities she studied were quite charming to the
average person. Messy handwriting, however, does NOT mean you are a bad
person or mean. It could simply mean your busy and moving on fast to the next
Handwriting is very revealing, our brains subconsciously “let it all hang out.”
Handwriting can show for example, a person who claims to love kids-may actually
not love kids at all. It may be just the opposite. Being able to get a sense for
the person with issues is great for hiring a babysitter or child sitter.
Deborah Dolen recommends you always have a candidate handwrite a few
sentences on a blank piece of paper to explain why they want to work for you.
If what hey say consumes the entire paper and leaves no margins at all-this
person is all about themselves and there is no other person really worthy in
their "world." If they leave huge margins all around, and write very tiny,
they have very little self esteem, feel engulfed by the world-and may cause
harm. If they do not value themselves, they will not value you or your
loved ones.
Deborah Dolen maintains people always project what they want us to
believe. Everyone does it. But a keen eye with regards to what they
subconsciously write on paper, can often cut to the chase. One, example, if
handwriting slants backwards, and the writer is not left handed…well, it takes a
lot of extra energy and intent to bother to slant backwards-so the writer could
be extremely anti-social. That final determination would depend on other traits
also. As you will see in the book, a profile is developed noting slant and other
traits (that could cancel one negative trait out) and to look at a handwriting
sample as a whole, as well as source a few hand writing samples from the same
person if you want to be sure about a profile.
Handwriting analysis in psychology teaches you how to build a profile and go
over many traits, with the goal of a summation at the end.
Buy Link:
Make sure to check out Killer
Handwriting: Analysis, Traits and Stories of Narcissists and Killers, also
by Deborah Dolen!
About the Author:
Bestselling DIY author Deborah Dolen has written 29 books now also available on
Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook.
The Interview:
So tell us, how did you come up with the idea for your books?
Deborah Dolen: I was widowed young, at age 31, and had 3 daughters who were 7,
11 and 12. I was simply showing them how to sell recipes for $1 on eBay to be
industrious. I was afraid if I died they were screwed in this world. To our
surprise those recipes sold like mad back in the 1990’s and suddenly people
wanted books of recipes and other how to books. Like, my kids and I would sit
around making candles and then I would write books about how we made the
candles. Recipes became books and books sold. I was also throwing all of my
energy into book writing instead of dating because I had extra energy to put
somewhere and with three small daughters dating was just not a good idea.
How did you feel when you got your book completed?
Deborah Dolen: I did not really take my books seriously until they
started selling like mad. I was an accidental author by circumstance. When they
went on Amazon’s kindle they sold like mad and my books went out of print and
became collector’s items. Some of my books go for several hundred dollars
because they are not in print at the present time.
What was your favorite book to write?
Deborah Dolen: The Beekeeper’s Digest was my favorite and I meant many
“accidental beekeepers” that became beekeepers accidentally, the same way I
accidentally became an author of a plethora of books. The book was written to
show women in 3rd world countries all of the neat finished retail products they
could make with raw materials their bees made.
What’s your next goal?
Deborah Dolen: To not write anything for a year.
Have you ever changed any of your books based on reader feedback?
Deborah Dolen: Never
In your career as a writer, is there anything you’d like to try with a book but
haven’t yet?
Deborah Dolen: Real fiction. For some reason I keep moving back to fact
What do you hope your readers will get from this book?
Deborah Dolen: The gift of industry for certain. The same reason I wrote
any books, to show my children that you need not have to work for someone nine
to five to eat or hope someone hires you for you to be important. You can create
your own work.
What was the hardest to write?
Deborah Dolen: Killer Handwriting was the hardest to write because the amount of
serial killers never seemed to end. Everytime I thought I was done, I would see
a famous old serial killer on TV and think “Oops I forget one” and add that
person (usually a male) to my book. Even today, we have so many new serial
killers, it is sad. Plus, I was never in a good mood or overly pleasant when
writing the book. I would get a phone call at a tense juncture and snap at
whoever was calling. The thought systems of the serial killers, analyzing their
handwriting, and the “transference” on to me was just so evil, I could not even
attend church 3 months writing that book. It felt good to be done and get back
to church in summer of 2013.
When you first began as a writer, what were the obstacles you had to overcome to
get published?
Deborah Dolen: None, I have been fairly industrious before book writing
and knew marketing outlets fairly well.
You find yourself stranded on a deserted island with your choice of one
celebrity. Who would you pick?
Deborah Dolen: Without question, Iron Man.
Thanks for the fun and inspiring interview, Deborah!
Connect with the Author:
Thanks for dropping by with your book!
I am so grateful to Deborah Dolen for throwing such passion and enthusiasm into this work. I am definitely interested in the subject of handwriting analysis, as I used to dabble in it in high school and read books on the subject. I found it to be fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate all the other books Deborah Dolen's written as well. It's quite impressive, and bravo for teaching the kids that there's more to life than a 9-to-5 job and hoping someone else likes you enough to hire you!
I do hope she'll pass some of those handwriting analysis skills on to her kids, too, as I've had quite a few bosses that were borderline personality disorders, I'm sure!
Thanks for a fun interview, Rose Maison.
Wow, this is really interesting. I love how you took all these different subjects and published them all as books, especially the one you did to help the ladies in third-world countries. That must have been really inspiring work, and I'll bet your kids loved it.
ReplyDeleteI also really love the idea of the beekeepers book. I live out in the country and I see the beekeepers bring their boxes of bees over occasionally and I know they use them in the orchards. It's pretty amazing what bees can do, and I love people who can appreciate nature like that.
I don't know anything about handwriting analysis. Good to know that you don't need neat handwriting to be a good person! That's really not my long suit. Fortunately most of our writing's on a computer these days. LOL.
Thanks, Deborah Dolen! :)
Rose, thanks for this awesome interview. I was wondering if you can have Deborah Dolen come back and maybe give some marketing tips for us aspiring writers. I have a couple of books I've been working on, but I have no idea how to get them published and I heard it's almost impossible. Or are you just self-publishing them to an eBook form? Anyway, if you can find out, I would appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteHey, Ms. Dolen, I sorry you have to put up with so many creeps out there like your ex and I know it didn't exactly lift up your spirits to have to go through all those serial killers and analyze their handwriting. But it's very nice of you to do this work and hopefully it will save some people who are paying attention. I was curious if you think all the bummed-out vibes from analyzing criminals was getting in the way of your writing fiction. I hope not, because I think you'd be awesome in it, if you could just get started. Looking forward to hearing more from you and hopefully you'll put some fiction on Kindle.
ReplyDeleteI can definitely identify with the pain of having to write about circumstances that never should have happened, as that is part of my work, too. I just want to congratulate you on a very straightforward but essential book that provides insights to those of us who work in intervention.
ReplyDeleteIn particular, I want to thank you for your sections on pressure (embossing) and use of space. This information could lead to a quicker understanding of familial pressures that can erupt in violence or neglect. Obviously, placing too much emphasis on casual observation of handwriting samples without a full understanding of the many nuances at play could prove to be distracting from the main issue at hand. On the other hand, sometimes violence could be averted early on if personnel inside the home were able to detect certain signs of chronic rage, as we all know that certain perpetrators do a good job of concealing it during short visits.
I've recommended other Deborah Dolen works and hope to be reading more of your work soon. Thank you again.